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What is not covered under your guarantee?
Please ensure you have read over our non-warranted guarantee guide prior to submitting a guarantee request.
- Hover here to view the guide -
All non- warranted requests will be charged at our regular service rates.
Questions, Concerns?
Call or Email us.
What is not covered under your guarantee?

• Acts of God such as wind, hale, lightning, extreme weather conditions, and other accidents • Air locks • Cleaning of hot tub or clearing of electrical wiring • Commercial (non-residential) use. • Customer education (reprogramming/unlock of system/reset filter cycles) • Damages due to inattentiveness, neglect, abuse, vandalism, foreign objects in the system • Fading due to natural aging, excessive chemical use • Failures due to power surges, black outs, power shorts, reboots, etc. • Freezing and the resulting damage due to in-attendance • Fuse blowing (0.3 amp 240V on the circuit board that indicates external power issue) • Loosened union joints or aging of rubber gaskets of external plumbing components • Perma-Seal base (failure can only happen from handling) • Poor water flow in waterfall due to plugged water fall screens • Reinstallation of hot tub due to the complete removal • Removal of any kind of debris that is found anywhere within the system. • Removal of hot tub due to the inaccessibility • Seasonal shutdown error and damages • The issues raised beyond the Manufacturers control and is not an actual failure of product • Travel charges for hot tub repair due to the distance • Damage due to irregular/improper winterization. • Damage due to irregular equipment checks and maintenance. • Drain and refill of the spa water before and after service.

Beachcomber Guarantee Request
Has your hot tub been installed within the last 90 days?
Was your spa installed by AquaFire Leisure?
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