Emergency Hot Tub Support
We understand sometimes you require some extra support in a last moment scenario. To help you while we are not available we have come up with some suggestions and solutions to help you out in a pinch.
Emergency Service Call Out
This is an emergency call out for clients who require last minute, non-business hour assistance. We will do our best to get to your hot tub ASAP to address your concerns.
$319.00+gst for up to 30 min of diagnostic, labour and/or repair.
Emergency Heater Service
Hot tub down, water temp dropping and the pumps are not working? We offer a emergency heater service to help protect your investment while you wait for service. DO NOT POWER DOWN YOUR HOT TUB and KEEP THE COVER ON.
Emergency Phone Support
Require over the phone troubleshooting? We offer to speak to our technician for assistance on basic functionality, water care problems and service advice.
$59.50 per 15 min with the tech.
Additional Emergency Labour
After the original emergency service call, if additional labour is required it will be charged out at our extended service rate per half hour. Most things can be addressed during the service call.
$119.50+gst per 30 min of labour
Emergency Drain & Refill Service
Ideally created for rental properties, clients who need a last minute drain and refill of their hot tub water with water balancing.
Online Support
We offer complementary online support for basic troubleshooting, functionality assistance and water care advice. Please send us an online chat or email and we will try our best to get back to you in 24-48 hours from your inquiry.
Trips, Tricks & FAQ's